College and the Return on Investment

There's a crucial conversation to have as your teen starts to plan for their journey to college: Return on Investment (ROI). As parents of high school students, April brings a flurry of activity. College acceptance letters arrive, financial aid packages are dissected, and the looming enrollment deadline adds a touch of pressure. But amidst the excitement, there's a crucial conversation to be had for the parent and the teen who have yet to go through the process: What is the Return on Investment?

Return on Investment (ROI) for their college education.

While a college degree remains valuable, understanding the potential financial outcomes associated with different schools empowers students to make...

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Spring into Action: A Guide for Parents of High Schoolers (9th-11th Grade)

Is your teen in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade? Spring is here, and it's the perfect time to get ahead of the game for the upcoming school year and college applications. 

Spring has sprung, and for many parents of high schoolers, it's a time of renewal and anticipation. As the school year winds down, thoughts naturally turn towards what's next, especially for those with teenagers in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and actionable steps to ensure a smooth and successful academic journey for your teen.

11th Grade Parents: College Application Countdown

The pressure is on for 11th graders, and rightfully so. Here are three key areas to focus on this spring:

  • ...
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How to Leverage College Fairs for Your Junior

College Fairs: A Launchpad for Demonstrating Interest

While college fairs won't single-handedly secure an acceptance letter, they offer a golden opportunity: demonstrating interest. Many colleges consider a student's expressed interest during admissions. It shows genuine enthusiasm and initiative, setting your child apart from passive applicants.

Why Demonstrating Interest Matters

Think of it this way: colleges want students who truly want to be there. Demonstrating interest showcases your child's commitment to their institution. In a competitive applicant pool, this can make a significant difference, especially for borderline cases.

Making the Most of College Fairs

So, how can your child...

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How Using Historical Data Can Help Your Teen Get Into College

As parents of a teen entering their junior year, the college application process can feel daunting. Between crafting compelling essays and navigating financial aid, creating a strategic college list often takes a backseat. But what if there was a way to leverage data to inform your decisions and increase your teen's chances of success?


This is where historical data comes in. By understanding how colleges have admitted students from your teen's high school in the past, you gain valuable insights that can empower you to build a balanced and effective college list.


The Power of Data in College Admissions

The landscape of college admissions is constantly evolving. While factors like...

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How to Get Off a Waiting List

Welcome to an essential discussion for parents of high school students, especially those navigating the intricate world of college admissions. As we approach the end of March, a pivotal time for college decisions for the class of 2024, it's crucial to delve into a topic that often induces anxiety and uncertainty: college waiting lists.

I understand the roller coaster of emotions you and your child might be experiencing right now. The college admissions process, particularly this year, has been nothing short of chaotic and emotionally charged. From delays in admissions to Supreme Court decisions impacting the landscape, the journey has been challenging.


The Weight of Waiting Lists

One of the...

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The Power of Purposeful Activities for Teens

Today, we dive deep into a pivotal aspect of college admissions: extracurricular activities. As we navigate the intricate web of undergraduate admission requirements, let's shed light on how your teen's activities outside the classroom can make a resounding impact.

 The Three Crucial Questions

Colleges seek more than just academic prowess; they crave a holistic view of your teen. Three critical questions dominate their minds:


# 1. After School Adventures

Between the hours of 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., what occupies your teen's time? Colleges want to know if they are part of a team, engaged in the school play, or perhaps holding down a job. These experiences mold character and showcase...

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How Parents Can Help with College Essays

Unveiling the Importance of Essays

Essays, the true gems of college applications, offer your teen a unique opportunity to stand out in the highly competitive admissions landscape. In this week’s blog post, we'll explore three essential tips to guide your teen through the essay-writing process, ensuring they maximize this golden opportunity.

Tip #1: Collaborative Brainstorming

Parents, you hold a wealth of knowledge about your teen's experiences, aspirations, and uniqueness. Seize this knowledge by delving into the essay prompts during relaxed moments, perhaps during a long drive or over dinner. Initiate discussions illuminating aspects of their lives, helping them identify compelling stories...

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Standardized Testing is Changing. Is Your Teen Ready?

Today, let's delve into the evolution of standardized testing and how it impacts your teen's journey toward higher education.


Understanding the Digital Shift

The SAT® and PSAT-related assessments are going fully digital. As part of that shift, the tests will also be adaptive.  In adaptive testing, the questions a student encounters as they move through the test depends on how they answered the prior questions. The introduction of the digital SAT begins tomorrow, March 9, and signals a shift in testing methods. This transition brings challenges and opportunities for students navigating the college admissions process.

The SAT and PSAT-related assessments use a multistage adaptive...

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Knowing Your Teenโ€™s Course Requirements, Selection, and GPA Status

As we approach the crucial time of year for high school students – the course selection period – it's essential for you to dive into the intricacies of your teen's academic journey. Whether your teen is a freshman, sophomore, or junior, understanding the dynamics of course sequencing is pivotal for their success in gaining admission to the best colleges.

Decoding GPA: More Than Just Numbers

Let's start by demystifying the GPA puzzle. While it holds significance, it's not the sole determinant of your teen's academic prowess. Every school has its own grading scale, and colleges recalibrate grades based on their rules. So, what does this mean for your teen? It means focusing on the...

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Strategic College List Building: Careers

Now more than ever, I'm committed to guiding you through the crucial process of building a college list for your high school student. In our previous discussions, we've explored the foundations of a solid college list, covering aspects like cost, location, and possible majors. Today, let's delve into the fourth key pillar – potential careers.

The Importance of Considering Possible Careers
When approaching the college decision with your teen, it's crucial to discuss the academic aspects and potential career paths. Recognizing that teenagers might not have a clear vision of their future, informed conversations about possible careers can be immensely beneficial. Strategic Admissions Advice offers...

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