Students It’s Time to Make Your Summertime Count

According to CNBC, how you spend your summer may have a much larger impact on your future than you think. In fact, if you spend your summer taking part in summer camp programs, this can boost your odds of getting into college.

Over the past few years, colleges have become much more selective during their admissions process. In fact, back in 2012, the average college accepted only about 64 percent of applicants, whereas, in 2003, this percentage was nearly 70 percent. With the admissions process becoming selective, you will want to do everything you can to make sure you get into most-preferred college, and according to many experts, the best way to do this is to fill up your extracurricular activities section on the college admissions application.

Your grades and standardized test scores are, of course, going to be the biggest determining factors when it comes to getting into college, but for many universities, the way you spend your summers provides a lot of detail into the type of person you are. Do you spend your summers being lazy watching TV and eating junk food? Or do you get out and about in your community and do volunteer work? Do you take part in summer camps and network with other people? Your answers to these questions will provide a clearer picture to college admission officers as to how motivated you are during your free time.

What is a pre-college summer program?

A pre-college summer program is a great way to show your interest in going to college. This type of program allows you to take college courses while still in high school and offers a real-world experience of what it’s like to attend a university. If you prefer, you can even stay in a dorm room during the summer while you take your courses. Most of these programs last anywhere from one to eight weeks.

If you aren’t interested in attending a pre-college summer program, or perhaps you don’t have the means to, then you can always take part in some other type of summer program. The point is that you can show college admission officers that you aren’t wasting your summers away. Instead, you are taking the initiative to expand your knowledge and sharpen your interpersonal skills.

The Takeaway

Before you sign up for just any summer program, make sure it is one that you are passionate about. For example, if you want to pursue the career path of a veterinarian, then you will, of course, want to take part in a program that involves working with animals. Five other simple ways to optimize college admission preparation by showing off your extracurricular activities include:

  1. Taking part in a summer research project
  2. Completing a college course online
  3. Participate in a high school summer program
  4. Take part in an internship or get a summer job
  5. Job shadow

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