Understanding the Popularity of Southern Schools

As parents of high school students, I know you're starting to hear the buzz about colleges in the South. More and more families are shifting their focus away from the Northeast's Ivy League tradition and considering Southern schools for their teens. Maybe your child has already expressed interest in attending a big Southern university, and you're wondering, “why is everyone suddenly so excited about these schools?"

Well, it's not just about the weather or college football—though I’ll admit, both are compelling reasons for any teenager! It’s about a shift in what students and families seek in higher education and understanding that will help you guide your child in making the...

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The Power of 1st Quarter Grades: Why They Matter More Than Your Senior Realizes

As a parent of a high school senior, the college application process can feel overwhelming. Between standardized tests, extracurricular activities, and essays, it's easy to lose sight of something critical: the importance of first-quarter grades.

Here's the truth: Colleges do care about senior-year performance, especially early in the year. While consistency throughout high school is paramount, a strong first quarter (or trimester) sets the tone for the rest of the year and sends a powerful message to admissions officers.

Why First Quarter Grades Hold Weight

Think of college applications like a story – a narrative showcasing your teen's academic growth and potential. Colleges want an upward...

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3 Essential Questions to Ask on College Visits

As parents of high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors, you're in a pivotal stage of your teen's academic journey. While it may seem like a whirlwind of applications, deadlines, and decisions, it's also an exciting time to explore the possibilities of college life. College visits offer a unique opportunity to see campuses firsthand and gather crucial information. However, the real challenge lies in asking the right questions to ensure your teen finds the best academic and social fit.  

Today, I’ll share three essential questions that you, as a parent, should ask on college visits. These questions will help you gain deeper insights into the college experience, ensuring that your...

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4 Great Websites and Resources for College Admission

The journey can feel overwhelming when it comes to preparing your high schooler for the college admissions process. The abundance of information makes it difficult to know which reliable and helpful tools and resources. As a parent, you want to ensure your child uses the right resources to make informed decisions about their college future. 

Below are four essential websites and tools to help simplify the process and provide your family with the information needed to prepare for college admissions successfully. These resources are user-friendly, thorough, and effective. Whether your child is a senior on the brink of submitting applications or a freshman just starting to explore their options,...

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Pillars of College List Building and Essay Season

Welcome to the 2024-2025 college admissions season! As the Chief Education Officer and founder of Strategic Admissions Advice, I’m thrilled to guide you through this pivotal time. August marks a crucial period where parents and students can collaboratively tackle two essential aspects of college preparation: building the college list and crafting stellar essays. These tasks, while daunting, lay the foundation for successful college applications. Let’s dive into the key pillars that will help you and your high schooler navigate this season effectively.


Building the College List: Four Key Pillars

  1. Cost

When it comes to selecting colleges, the cost is a paramount consideration....

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Personal Essay vs Supplemental Essays: What Parents Need to Know

As we approach the college application season, it’s crucial for parents to understand the distinctions between personal essays and supplemental essays. Your high school student’s ability to master both can significantly impact their chances of admission. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essential differences, purposes, and strategies for each type of essay. By the end, you'll be equipped to support your teen in crafting compelling and authentic narratives that resonate with college admissions officers.

Understanding the Personal Essay

The personal essay, often referred to as the personal statement, is a staple of the college application process. This essay is a window...

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Do Interviews Still Matter in College Admissions?

Today, we're exploring a question that many parents have been asking as their teenagers prepare for college applications: Do interviews still matter?


This is a great question, particularly relevant as college admissions become increasingly competitive and multifaceted. The answer, however, is not straightforward. It depends on various factors, including the type of school and the nature of the interview itself.


Types of College Interviews: Informative vs. Evaluative

When discussing college interviews, it's essential to differentiate between two main types: informative and evaluative.


Informative Interviews: These interviews are primarily an exchange of information. They provide...

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Is Community Service Still Important for College Admissions?

Many parents face a dilemma: Should their teenagers focus on gaining work experience or devote their time to community service? The answer is not an either/or situation. Both experiences are invaluable and complement each other in significant ways.

Building Work Ethics Through Employment

Having a job teaches students essential life skills. It instills a sense of responsibility, fosters teamwork, and helps them understand the value of earning money. A job requires students to wake up early, follow a schedule, report to a supervisor, and work collaboratively with colleagues. These experiences are vital in developing a strong work ethic and practical skills that will benefit them throughout their...

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What is a Safety School Nowadays in College Admissions?

As we approach the end of June and step into July, the excitement of summer is in the air. It's also a pivotal time for high school students and their parents as they navigate the college admissions process. One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, "What is a safety school nowadays?" With so many colleges admitting so few students, it's crucial to understand what constitutes a safety school and how to identify them effectively.

Let's first discuss what we mean by safety schools. Also referred to as likely or foundational schools, these are institutions where, based on a student's academic performance, extracurricular activities, and interests, they have a high probability of being...

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The Impact of College Admissions on Mental Health

College admissions can be a stressful and anxiety-provoking time for both teens and parents. Social media comparisons, pressure to get into prestigious schools, and the uncertainty of the process can all contribute to feelings of inadequacy, isolation, and overwhelm.


I emphasize the importance of teens avoiding the "comparison trap." Social media feeds are often filled with carefully curated portrayals of success, leading teens to feel they need to measure up to an unrealistic standard.

Strategies for Parents

Parents play a crucial role in shaping their teen's experience during college admissions. Here are some key takeaways from my advice:

  • Manage Your Own Expectations: Let go of assumptions...
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