Sharing a Success Story: Brent and his Family… 🎓

As the founder and Chief Education Officer of Strategic Admissions Advice, I often hear from parents about how our work together positively shaped the future path for their son or daughter as they navigated the complex and overwhelming path of the college admissions process.

Our company is dedicated to providing personalized coaching, strategy, and support for parents and their teens throughout the college admissions process.

Today, I would like to share a recent success story with you, which I believe is a testament to the level of service and personal attention we provide.

One of our clients, Brent, a father of a high schooler applying for college, shared his concerns and experiences with us:

"A simple desire to put our high schooler in the best possible position to be successful. As parents of an only child, we had no current experience with the process but had heard it was quite challenging. We also didn’t want to make any mistakes along the way due to lack of knowledge."

Understanding their concerns, our team offered a customized solution, which was appreciated by Brent and his family:

"The application process is very involved and extremely stressful to both the student and the parents. Shereem and his team do an amazing job keeping the student organized and motivated and all but eliminate the need for any nagging by the parents, which makes for a much more pleasant experience. Our daughter really connected with Shereem; he took the time to get to know her personality and he also kept us as parents calm during the process."

He also had this to say about the college essay process:

"We had heard horror stories from other parents and students about the essay requirements and were worried quite a bit about what might be looming. Shereem takes the pressure off of the entire family with world-class planning, time management, and helpful advice. Our daughter’s essay was drafted, proofed, and finalized well ahead of schedule."

– Brent, father, child accepted into University of Florida.

Their faith in our services led to their daughter gaining admission into her top school of choice, the University of Florida!

I'm always moved and motivated when I hear such encouraging words from our clients. It's a clear validation of our dedicated efforts at Strategic Admissions Advice and inspires us to strive even harder to deliver exceptional service.

If you, or a family you know, are going through a similar process and would benefit from the guidance, strategic planning, and personalized support that we offer, I encourage you to reach out. Please feel free to request a complimentary Discovery Call with our team to discuss how we can help navigate this crucial journey.

Don't let the college process consume you and your family.

Discover how Strategic Admissions Advice can transform your experience and provide the guidance and support you need.

Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward a smoother college journey.

 To Earn A Spot At A Top College 

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Your Teenager Needs

This complimentary 1-on-1 Discovery Call will show you exactly how you and your high school student can successfully navigate the college admissions process… So your only decision will be WHICH college your child attends.
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Navigating the complex world of college admissions can be daunting, but we're here to help your teen stand out. Our Free Resource Library is packed with valuable tools, expert tips, and comprehensive guides designed to give your family a competitive edge in the admissions process.

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