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Discover What Colleges Are Best for Your Teen:

The Ultimate College List Builder

Are You Feeling Lost in the College Application Maze?

Navigating the college application process can feel like trying to find your way through an intricate maze, especially when you're doing it for the first time. 

Does the very thought of creating a college list leave you anxious, worried that you might overlook the perfect opportunity for your teen?


You're Not Alone.

Many parents and students feel exactly the same way. School counselors, though well-meaning, are often stretched too thin to provide the personalized guidance each student deserves. Generic, uninspired college lists simply don't cut it. Your teen is unique, and their college list should reflect that.

Why Settle for Less When Your Teen Deserves the Best?

Introducing College List Builder, the beacon of hope for anxious parents and students alike. Our service isn't just about creating a college list; it's about crafting a future that aligns with your teen's aspirations, strengths, and goals.

What's In The College List Builder?


20+ list of colleges customized specifically for your teen within 3 business days.


A look into what grades/test scores your teen needs to be accepted to their dream schools.


Emailed instructions on what to do next in the college search process with your teen.

What Makes College List Builder Stand Out?

Personalized Approach:

Our founder, Shereem Herndon-Brown, an experienced college admissions expert, has visited over 500 colleges and universities. He understands that there's no "one-size-fits-all" when it comes to education.

Experience Plus Exclusive Algorithm:

We leverage our experience and a unique algorithm that takes into account cost, location, major, and career prospects, ensuring a list that's tailored specifically to your teen.

Extensive Evaluation:

We consider everything from grades and test scores to interests and extracurricular activities, ensuring a balanced, ambitious, yet realistic list.

Quick Turnaround:

Receive a custom list of 20+ colleges, curated specifically for your teen, within just 3 business days.

Actionable Insights:

Along with the college list, you'll receive a snapshot of what grades and test scores your teen needs to achieve their dreams, plus emailed instructions on next steps in the college search process.

How Does It Work?

The College List Builder service employs a meticulous three-step approach, leveraging the expertise of Shereem Herndon-Brown to craft a tailored college list for your teen.


Both the parent and the student will complete an assessment to learn about the student's academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, and interests.


Shereem Herndon-Brown will utilize his extensive expertise, coupled with exclusive tools, to craft a college list that is tailored to your teen's individual needs.


You and your teen will be sent an email containing a comprehensive report along with instructions on the next steps to take in the college search process.

Get Started Now >>>

Real Results, Real Success

Don't just take our word for it. Hear from parents just like you who've seen their teens thrive with the help of College List Builder:

 "With the College List Builder, we went from feeling helpless to hopeful. Our daughter now has a clear path ahead of her, filled with opportunities we never knew existed."

– Jabari R.
 "The personalized college list was a game-changer for our son. It perfectly matched his interests and aspirations. The detailed action plan was the icing on the cake!"

- Melissa L.

Ready to Give Your Teen the Competitive Edge?

If you're ready to transform anxiety into action, and uncertainty into confidence, then College List Builder is the solution you've been searching for. Let us help your teen navigate the college admissions process with ease and expertise.

Don't let your teen's future wait any longer. Get started with College List Builder today and watch them soar to new heights.

Elevate Your Teen's College Journey with Precision and Insight

Discover the Path to Your Teen's Dream College

In the vast ocean of college options, how do you ensure your teen's ship sails in the right direction? The journey to finding the perfect college shouldn't feel like navigating through a storm. With The College List Builder, we turn the chaos into clarity and the overwhelming into the manageable.

Personalized College Recommendations: Tailored to Perfection

Imagine having a roadmap that leads straight to the colleges that resonate with your teen's heart and mind. That's exactly what you get with our service. Within just 3 business days, we deliver a customized list of 20+ colleges crafted specifically for your teen's unique blend of aspirations, interests, and academic achievements.

Why settle for a one-size-fits-all approach when you can have a  personalized plan that takes into account all of your teen's individual strengths and goals? Shereem and the team of experienced college counselors carefully curates each recommendation, ensuring that every school aligns with your teen's academic profile, extracurricular interests, preferred location, and more.

What You Get

Streamlined Process: Simplify Your College Search

We know that the college search process can be overwhelming for both parents and students. That's why we've made it our mission to make it as stress-free as possible. 

No more spending countless hours researching schools or trying to figure out which ones are the best fit. With The College List Builder, we got you!

Insightful Snapshot of Admission Requirements: Your Compass to Success

Do you find yourself pondering over the grades and test scores necessary for your teen to secure a spot in their dream college? With The College List Builder, wonder no more. We provide a detailed snapshot of the admission requirements for each recommended college, offering both insight and direction. This is your compass, guiding your teen towards their goals with precision.

Realistic Acceptance Predictions: Navigate with Confidence

What if you could look into a crystal ball and see the likelihood of your teen's acceptance into their dream schools? While we don't have a crystal ball, we do have the next best thing. Our advanced algorithms and expert analysis offer realistic predictions of college acceptance, empowering you with the knowledge to steer your teen's college journey with confidence.

Get The Help Now

Hear From Those Who've Charted the Course:

 "The College List Builder was a lighthouse in the fog of college applications. The personalized list and acceptance predictions were spot-on, allowing us to focus our efforts effectively."
– Jenna K.
 "Understanding the exact GPA and test scores needed for my son's top-choice colleges lifted a huge weight off our shoulders. The College List Builder isn't just a service; it's a strategic partner in your teen's future."
– Luis M.
 "Too many colleges and not enough time! We needed a clear and concise list for our son and we got it with College List Builder. We are so grateful to have clarity and direction as go through this chaotic process!"
- Kingston F.

Are You Ready to Set Sail Towards a Brighter Future?

Your teen's college journey is too important to leave to chance. With The College List Builder, you're not just choosing a service; you're choosing a partner dedicated to illuminating the path to success.

Embark on this journey with confidence. Begin your voyage with The College List Builder today and watch as your teen's college dreams transform into reality.

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Don't Wait.

Your teen needs a customized college list!

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